
11 things you didnt know about me

Ive been tagged by Ashleigh over at https://lovingmyfinley.wordpress.com/ to do the 11 things you don't know about me tag.
What you have to do is answer the 11 questions you've been given then tag 10 blogs and make a new list of questions for them to answer.

Once I have answered the question’s she has set for me i will do the same for the 10 blogs +

1. What is your favourite animal and why?

-A dolphin because why not?

2. If you could eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be? {example: Chinese, American etc} 

- Chinese food definitely

3. What hobbies’ do you have? What made you choose them?

-Swimming and singing. they're the two things I've always been good at

4. Where did you go on your last holiday?

-Tenerife but technically it wasn't a holiday

5. Who’s your idol and why?

-Don't think I have one

6. A night inside enjoying a film or A night out with friends?

-A night in definitely

7. What did you want to do as a job when your were a child? and what did you become? 

-I wanted to be a singer  or work with kids, and I haven't become famous yet for my singing but I have recorded a song Listen here, and I got my certificate as a child carer and currently working three days a week as one. So I guess I'm on my way to becoming what I wanted to be.

8. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? 

-Go back to bed.

9. Who’s the last person you text? What relation are they to you?

-My aunt.

10. What’s your worst fear and why?

- Having someone break in while I'm asleep. Probably because people have tried before but I always woke up and managed to scare them off

11. What’s the chore what always comes at the bottom of your to-do list ?


Ok, now you know those little  things about me I want to know some things about YOU

Here are the questions:
  1. Have you ever had any pets?
  2. What do you think is the best quality in a person?
  3. What kind of movies do you like?
  4. Do you prefer sweet or savoury foods?
  5. Can you play any musical instruments?
  6. What do you like most about blogging?
  7. How long have you known your best friend?
  8. Do you wear glasses?
  9. Flip flops or sandals?
  10. What is your dream camera?

The blogs I am going to nominate for this challenge are...



Video Ideas

So around the beginning of the year I decided to try and make video for My YouTube channel
I made a list of the kind of videos I thought I might try out...

  • What is in my bag
  • Top 5 nail varnishes
  • What I got for Christmas
  • Accent challenge
  • Singing
  • Hauls
  • My jumper collection
  • Cooking tutorials
  • Vlogs
  • 20 things in my room
  • Monthly favourites
  • Make up tutorials
  • 20 facts about me

As you can see I haven't really kept up with the list and I haven't been that motivated to do any videos lately.
So I'd like to know what motivates you guys to make videos, would you change anything on the list or keep it as it is?  How do you stay motivated?

Comment below if you have any video ideas you think I should try out.

Love/Hate tag...

Whoo! Ive been tagged! I was tagged by Corrine on her blog http://livinglifeasmommyandwife.blogspot.com.es/
How it works is someone tags you and you then have to write your own post with 10 things you love and 10 things you hate! Then go and tag 10 other people to do the same thing!  I like things like this because it helps to introduce yourself and get to know other people better also

So,the 10 things I love are....
  1. Food. I've never been a fussy eater and I don't think I ever will be.
  2. Singing,and yes, I can actually sing. I wrote and recorded a song ages ago and you can listen to it here.
  3. Music, obviously if I like singing I'm attached to music. I don't have a specific genre I like and I love discovering new music.
  4. Writing, whether Its writing something small like,writing down something to remember later or writing down a huge post on my blog. I love it all!
  5. Going to the beach, who doesn't love going to the beach?
  6. Shopping.Do I need to explain this one? really?
  7. Swimming. I'm basically a mermaid
  8. Marmite, you either love it or hate it
  9. Jumpers! I love all my jumpers I think you could call it a collection (sweaters,for any readers from america, just in case you thought I collect anything that can jump)
  10. Cameras. I love everything about cameras

And now for the 10 things I hate......

  1. Cockroaches
  2. Crabs
  3. People that wear shorts that are obviously too short
  4. When people can close doors properly and there's a tiny gap left, why you do this???
  5. Bad parents, I live on an Island that is mainly tourist. The amount of parents I've seen that spend the day drinking alcohol next to their kid, getting so drunk they start slurring and then letting their 7 year old down a pint of beer, thinking its hilarious is absolutely disgusting.
  6. Broccoli
  7. Hamburgers. Yes, I know, I'm weird 
  8. Disco club things. I don't like being surrounded by big groups of people, especially if I have to struggle to move around
  9. Play suits, yes I know It's the latest fashion trend, but, what if your in a hurry to pee? do you have the time to strip down and take a wee if you're wearing one of those things?more so, if your drunk and wearing one what if you forget It's a play suit. Like, what if you think you're just wearing normal shorts? You'd start tugging and pulling down and they won't go will they? ''What's wrong with these shorts?'' you'd ask your self. 
  10. High heels. They look pretty on models and people that know what they're doing but what about me? High heels are essentially Satan's butt hole to me. Horrible, they hurt my feet and I wobble about like a giraffe on stilts.

Now It's my turn to you people to do this, I chose to tag:


Happiness is now legal!

America has finally opened it's eyes and came to its senses.Congratulations!
Image result for gay flag
Why anyone would try and stop two people in love from celebrating it and getting married is beyond me. But you can do it now!
This is great, unfortunately It's not worldwide yet but hopefully this will start a movement until it is legal worldwide.
I hope that by reading this anyone I can help change peoples thoughts on  gay marriage (even if it's just a tiny bit)

What about you?
Are you with or against same sex marriage?


Liebster award!

''This is basically a way of new bloggers being discovered, shared and celebrated. Part of it involves answering 10 questions and then setting some for the blog you nominate.''

I have been nominated for the 1st time ever for a bloggling award!


I've been nominated by http://freshandrosy.co.uk/ thank you so much!

The Liebster Award Rules
  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
  2. Answer the 10 questions given by the nominator.
  3. Nominate and link 10 bloggers (with less than 200 followers).
  4. Notify all the bloggers you’ve nominated.
  5. Create 10 new questions for your nominees to answer.
The blogs I am nominating are:

The Questions:
Set for the nominees....

1) Why did you start blogging?
2) What's the best film you have seen this year?
3) Best blog post you have read this year?
4) What's the best thing about the place you live?
5) What's the best holiday you have been on?
6) What's your hobby?
7) What's your most visited blog post?
8) Who would you love to collaborate with?
9) If you were to have a conversation with anyone famous who would it be with?
10) What's your favourite blog that you follow?

My answers:

Why did you start blogging? I've always liked writing ever since I can remember, and to let people see what I write about is a bit scary but I really enjoy it at the same time.
What's the best film you have seen this year? Oh my god, I don't know that's such a hard question. I know I really want to watch  Jurassic World,but I think Chappie and ex Machina are really really good.
Best blog post you have read this year?This. I really love Louise, all her blog posts make me feel so much happier and all her blog posts are so good but I've chosen this one because Its something that we all do whether we realise it or not.
What's the best thing about the place you live? It's always sunny all year round ,I'm surrounded by beaches, and everyone has a nap mid-day. Its very relaxed

What's the best holiday you have been on? Without a doubt It's got to be the Disneyland holiday.
We went on a family holiday to Disneyland in France, my mum wanted us to explore France rather than spend the whole holiday in Disneyland so we went full on tourists and visited the Eiffel tower.
Of course we weren't the only tourists in France and it was packed with people,and then we lost my little brother! I probably sound like a horrible person for saying the best holiday I've been on is the one where we lost my brother but oh well It's been the most memorable one!

What's your hobby?Singing! If you want to hear me singing click here

What's your most visited blog post? This one

Who would you love to collaborate with?http://sprinkleofglitter.blogspot.com.es/

If you were to have a conversation with anyone famous who would it be? Honestly, I'd be honoured to speak to any famous person. I'd probably be so honoured I would be unable to speak :/

What's your favourite blog that you follow? The one and only http://sprinkleofglitter.blogspot.com.es/