
Should I quit?

So as some of you may know I have a part time job as a child carer.
I look after a nine year old, and I've only been doing it for about a month and I'm already thinking of quitting.

It has nothing to do with the kid, I get along great with her, It's the father. He's a widow and...

I'm feeling really awkward and uncomfortable around him seeing as this has happened so far:

  • He made me a mojito in his house
  • He's asked me to stay the night
  • He jumped in the hot tub with me and his kid today
This has not happened all in one day, it has been 3 separate occasions.

You have to tell me if you think this is completely normal (It's his house he can do what he wants and all that) or if he did these things to you or anything similar would you too think about quitting?


  1. If this happens to me, I'll quit. Though it's his house, it doesn't mean he can do anything or treat people the way he wants.

  2. Quit before it gets seriously messed up

  3. Quit. Sounds creepy to me.

  4. Definitely quit! It doesn't sound like a good situation; definitely not professional. He has crossed the boundaries!

  5. It depends on the situation surrounding these instances. For example, when he asked you to spend the night was it late and raining and do they have a guest room? Also, one of the most important things to ask yourself is if you feel creeped out when he's done these things? Do you think he's interested in you as more than an employee? If you love the job and enjoy taking care of the child, I would suggest sitting down and letting him know that you would like to keep things on a professional level. Gauge his reaction and if it goes sour, then I would quit. Perhaps he's just a friendly guy and didn't know he was making you uncomfortable.

    1. when he asked me to spend the night it was because he wanted me there at 11:30pm so that he could go out for a couple of drinks with his friends and he said he would come back at 4:30am and he came back at 6, he doesnt have a guest bedroom and said I could sleep in his bed with the child. I do feel a bit creeped out as I don't think It's normal behaviour, he is a widow but I don't know if hes interested in me.
      I don't know how to tell him politely hes creeping me out

  6. You need to quit I have been in so many situations like this and it is not a healthy environment to stay in. http://www.fadedspring.co.uk/

  7. Sounds creepy, but also that he is interested in you.. perhaps sit him down and tell him the things that make you uncomfortable... believe it or not he may not be realising what he is doing... and if he has motives then it is good to shut him down early. If he does not get the picture then you should quit. Hope this helps
